Krzysztof Świrek

Krzysztof Świrek

Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland ORCID

B. 1985. Sociologist, assistant professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, where he defended his PhD thesis in 2016. His scientific interests include theories of ideology, symbolic power and social classes. He lectures on classical sociological theories, and has conducted seminars on conceptions of modernity and psychoanalytical analysis of power. He is an author of the book Teorie ideologii na przecięciu marksizmu i psychoanalizy [Theories of ideology at the junction of Marxism and psychoanalysis] (2018). Świrek published in "European Journal of Social Theory”, „Studia Socjologiczne”, „Societas/Communitas”, „Przegląd Humanistyczny”, „Hybris”, and others. As a film critic he has collaborated with „Kino” monthly and „”.